
Worldconnectors, affiliate Earth Charter, is an association with a board. The board strives for diversity in terms of gender, background, and age. The members, whenever possible, have been long-standing members of the association and represent the diversity of Worldconnectors to a significant extent. The board consists of the following members:

Chair: Kathleen Ferrier
Treasurer: Eszter Vitorino Fuleky
Secretary: T.B.D.
Youth Ambassadors: Pieter Lossie
Fundraising: Ignaz Anderson
Board member: Somya Bouzaggou

The board of Worldconnectors is an active and dynamic body, and positions are occasionally rotated to ensure that new board members can always find their place and there are opportunities for mutual learning.

Worldconnectors undertakes several activities to support the network. The board, in close collaboration with Coordinator Janneke Bosman organizes meetings, facilitates working groups and recruits new members and partner organizations.