Marga Boneschansker

“We must unite to achieve a sustainable global society, based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. For this, it is a requirement that we, the peoples of the Earth, openly express our responsibility to each other, to the greater community of life, and to future generations.”

These are beautiful, grand words that I find very inspiring, but they immediately raise the question of how, as an individual, you can give meaning and substance to them. It is, therefore, very gratifying that I can contribute by working for the Lab for Future Generations (Lab voor Toekomstige Generaties). Together with Earth Charter Friends Jan van de Venis, Tineke Lambooy, Lynn Zebeda, Miranda Willems, and Alide Roerink, as well as Worldconnectors Ties Mouwen and Jannet Vaessen, we form a dynamic team with the goal of weighing the interests of future generations in decision-making.