Sarah Olij

Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Organizations and a Master’s in Public Management and Leadership. In 2024, she will commence her studies in the master’s program Crisis and Security Management: Governing Crises at Leiden University. In 2023, she gained experience at Worldconnectors, an Affiliate of Earth Charter, in her role as an intern.

Her area of interest lies within the SDG sector, as evidenced by her previous position at SDG House Amsterdam, where she worked to promote SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). Additionally, Sarah participated in the inaugural edition of the SDG Traineeship, where she developed a training program for Works Councils to promote inclusivity and diversity, commissioned by the Wissemagroup.

Jasmijn Rikmenspoel

Jasmijn heeft de bachelor Internationale Politiek voltooid en start in 2024 met de master Latijns-Amerikastudies. In 2023 was ze met veel plezier stagiaire bij de Worldconnectors, Affiliate Earth Charter.

Ze zit bij de DEAL Foundation waar ze zich inzet om ondernemerschap in de Global South te stimuleren door middel van verschillende projecten en spaarplannen. Ook is ze actief in Nederlandse politiek.  Daarnaast houdt ze van reizen en het leren kennen van andere landen, culturen en mensen.

Ze is voornamelijk geïnteresseerd in talen, bevordering van democratie, vrede & veiligheid en in de duurzame transitie.

Girma Segaar

What does it mean to be human? Answering that question is his life’s work. For him, it seems to be primarily about the relationship of humans to themselves, to others, and to the world. That’s why Girma is engaged in contributing to social and ecological justice on a small scale, from how he interacts with himself, family, and friends, to the larger scale, including his role as an entrepreneur in ecological building materials and as an advisor on social and societal issues

Personal motto:

Rivers know this; there is no hurry, we will get there someday.

Marcel Beukeboom

Professional background 

Marcel Beukeboom, as a diplomat, is always in search of common interests, with his compass set on the most sustainable solutions. He consistently tries to zoom out and keep the long term in mind. As a climate envoy, he represented the Netherlands in international climate negotiations, translating ‘Paris’ into local action. Now, he does the same as the Dutch ambassador to the United Nations food and agriculture organizations in Rome. Young people can always count on his support and attention, just like his bicycle

Personal motto: 

Everyone is a climate diplomat


Laura de Vries

Professional background

Laura de Vries is dedicated to creating a sustainable future based on broad prosperity. She achieves this by advocating for a resilient, accelerated, and inclusive climate transition. Primarily, she serves as the vice-chair and board member of public affairs at the Youth Climate Movement (Jonge Klimaatbeweging). In this role, she represents the voices of over a million young people to the government and policymakers. Additionally, Laura plays a local role in the climate debate as a Climate Mayor and internationally as a European Climate Pact Ambassador. She emphasizes the importance of being active at the local, national, and international levels to establish strong connections between them. In her daily life, Laura works as a consultant in public affairs, sustainability, and energy transition.

Personal motto 

It always seems impossible until it is done.

Annet de Raadt

Professional Background

Annet is an enthusiastic development sociologist, coach, policy advisor, and local politician. She has worked with various municipal, national governments, and civil society organizations, with a focus on development cooperation and the social domain. Annet’s core quality, which recurs in all these roles, is organizing and encouraging connection (for example, bridging distances, organizing access, and removing barriers). Annet is committed to this cause at Worldconnectors.

Personal Motto

“You have a no, but you can get a yes!”

Peter Akkerman

Professional background

Peter Akkerman (1993) is one of the authors of the National Environmental Program (NMP). He has a background in diplomacy and security issues. After starting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he transitioned to sustainability. While peace and security are important, a livable Earth is the prerequisite. Addressing biodiversity loss, the climate crisis and environmental pollution are the challenges of our time, and Peter is passionately committed to tackling them. Peter enjoys working with young people and is the founder of the Youth Environmental Council, chairman of the foundation Bos dat van zichzelf is, and the creator of Serendipity, an app for green cities (under development). He is also one of the organizers of the Symposium 50 Years of environmental policy (2021), the National Environmental Day 2022 – Limits to Growth – and the National Environmental Day 2023 on planetary justice. Additionally, Peter is a creative thinker with thousands of ideas, a lover of good conversations, a networker, a history enthusiast, and an animal lover with a deep appreciation for nature.

Personal motto

He who does not dare does not win.