Sarah Olij

Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Organizations and a Master’s in Public Management and Leadership. In 2024, she will commence her studies in the master’s program Crisis and Security Management: Governing Crises at Leiden University. In 2023, she gained experience at Worldconnectors, an Affiliate of Earth Charter, in her role as an intern.

Her area of interest lies within the SDG sector, as evidenced by her previous position at SDG House Amsterdam, where she worked to promote SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). Additionally, Sarah participated in the inaugural edition of the SDG Traineeship, where she developed a training program for Works Councils to promote inclusivity and diversity, commissioned by the Wissemagroup.

Jasmijn Rikmenspoel

Jasmijn heeft de bachelor Internationale Politiek voltooid en start in 2024 met de master Latijns-Amerikastudies. In 2023 was ze met veel plezier stagiaire bij de Worldconnectors, Affiliate Earth Charter.

Ze zit bij de DEAL Foundation waar ze zich inzet om ondernemerschap in de Global South te stimuleren door middel van verschillende projecten en spaarplannen. Ook is ze actief in Nederlandse politiek.  Daarnaast houdt ze van reizen en het leren kennen van andere landen, culturen en mensen.

Ze is voornamelijk geïnteresseerd in talen, bevordering van democratie, vrede & veiligheid en in de duurzame transitie.

Anniek van der Krogt

I’ve developed a strong understanding of sustainable development through my academic journey in Innovation and Business Analytics Management. My experience in account management and business development in the energy and FMCG sectors have provided me with practical insights into the challenges and opportunities within the realm of sustainable development. I have been involved in projects that have enabled me to collaborate with experts, community leaders, and policymakers, thereby honing my communication, negotiation, and leadership skills. I am excited about the potential to leverage the Worldconnectors platform to amplify the impact of initiatives that align with the Earth Charter’s vision and principles.

Persoonlijk motto:

Turning negative into positive

Laura de Vries

Professional background

Laura de Vries is dedicated to creating a sustainable future based on broad prosperity. She achieves this by advocating for a resilient, accelerated, and inclusive climate transition. Primarily, she serves as the vice-chair and board member of public affairs at the Youth Climate Movement (Jonge Klimaatbeweging). In this role, she represents the voices of over a million young people to the government and policymakers. Additionally, Laura plays a local role in the climate debate as a Climate Mayor and internationally as a European Climate Pact Ambassador. She emphasizes the importance of being active at the local, national, and international levels to establish strong connections between them. In her daily life, Laura works as a consultant in public affairs, sustainability, and energy transition.

Personal motto 

It always seems impossible until it is done.

Riemer Brandsma

Professional background

Riemer Brandsma started in 2019 at MM-United Nations, initially participating as a delegate in international conferences but later taking a seat on the advisory board and the organizing team of international conferences. Additionally, he works with Montessori Europe as a conference leader and organizer of the annual European Youth Conference of Montessori Europe. In 2021/2022, Riemer served as the Climate Mayor of the Municipality of Wageningen and, as an SDG voice at SDG Netherlands, contributed an additional voice advocating for international collaboration in these goals.

Personal motto

Maintain trust and never give up; we are not alone.

Jessica den Outer

Professional background

Jessica has a background in environmental law and has been wholeheartedly committed to the Rights of Nature movement and the interests of all forms of life since 2017.

Personal motto

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

Geerte Rietveld

Professional Background

I have a passion for capturing the human experience and love to show how diverse yet incredibly universal it is. I notice the little things that allow photographs and films to tell stories. I have worked for Médecins Sans Frontières and the International Committee of the Red Cross, for whom I created and edited audiovisual content. I believe that visual communications are essential for humanitarian missions since they have the power to set issues straight, raise awareness as well as voices, provide funds and allow war- and disaster-affected populations to take control of their own stories and lives. In June 2021, I graduated from my MA in Cultural Anthropology with a documentary film and photography exhibition focusing on the Transport Nomad. I explored the clash between the nomadic existence of transport workers and the normalisation of a sedentary lifestyle in today’s capitalist societies. Photos as well as a film from that project are available on this website, here. In addition, I hold a MSc in International Humanitarian Action. I love travelling, walking and running. In 2023, I walked the Camino de Compostela to Santiago and learnt to scuba dive.

Personal Motto

“I have never done that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do it.” – Pippi Longstocking

Aniek Moonen

Professional Background

Aniek Moonen has been the chairperson of the Young Climate Movement since October 2021. As the chairperson of the Young Climate Movement, Moonen represents over 100,000 Dutch young people in the climate debate.

Personal Motto

“I have never done it before, so I think I can do it.” – Pippi Longstocking

Werner Schouten

Professional Background

Until October 2021, Werner Schouten served as the chairman of the Youth Climate Movement. In this role, he represented the voices of over 100,000 young people, students, and young professionals in the realm of climate policy within politics and the business sector. Werner sees sustainability as an opportunity to build bridges, transcending social divides and bridging generational gaps, with the aim of collectively working towards a thriving future with harmony between people, the environment, and prosperity. Additionally, as the owner of the startup Carbon Clarity, he assists organizations in making their operations more sustainable.

Personal Motto

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.”

Pieter Lossie

Professional Background

Pieter is a political science student and works as a policy advisor at the VO-raad, where he is involved in shaping the future of education. Additionally, Pieter was one of the initiators of the large student strikes in 2019 advocating for more decisive climate policies. He served as the chairman of LAKS on behalf of secondary school students in the Netherlands for a year. He is part of Commission 2100, an initiative promoting the transition to broad prosperity. Lastly, Pieter is a social filmmaker.

Personal Motto

We zijn wel afgezonderd maar niet uitgezonderd.