Jasmijn Rikmenspoel

Jasmijn heeft de bachelor Internationale Politiek voltooid en start in 2024 met de master Latijns-Amerikastudies. In 2023 was ze met veel plezier stagiaire bij de Worldconnectors, Affiliate Earth Charter.

Ze zit bij de DEAL Foundation waar ze zich inzet om ondernemerschap in de Global South te stimuleren door middel van verschillende projecten en spaarplannen. Ook is ze actief in Nederlandse politiek.  Daarnaast houdt ze van reizen en het leren kennen van andere landen, culturen en mensen.

Ze is voornamelijk geïnteresseerd in talen, bevordering van democratie, vrede & veiligheid en in de duurzame transitie.

Lorain Drennan

Living in balance with- and working together with- all of nature always felt natural to Lorain. As a young girl she was already fascinated by indigenous peoples and their interconnected way of life. Lorain holds degrees in interdisciplinary studies specialised in biodiversity and ecosystems, and is certified in diving and yoga. She has a professional background in (marine) conservation and community engagement, working for international- and local-NGOs on projects, ranging from local to global scale. Currently her focus is on nature-coaching and -education, as well as being in training at the Firekeeper Academy. Lorain’s mission is to help people to (re)connect to both their inner-nature (‘true self’; heart-centred) and their outer-nature (people, places; all of life). The values and principles of Earth Charter deeply resonate with what she stands for and she is simply very happy that initiatives such as Earth Charter and World Connectors exist nowadays.

Persoonlijk motto: “together we can create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”

Anniek van der Krogt

I’ve developed a strong understanding of sustainable development through my academic journey in Innovation and Business Analytics Management. My experience in account management and business development in the energy and FMCG sectors have provided me with practical insights into the challenges and opportunities within the realm of sustainable development. I have been involved in projects that have enabled me to collaborate with experts, community leaders, and policymakers, thereby honing my communication, negotiation, and leadership skills. I am excited about the potential to leverage the Worldconnectors platform to amplify the impact of initiatives that align with the Earth Charter’s vision and principles.

Persoonlijk motto:

Turning negative into positive

Caroline Lubbers

What causes our systems to stagnate, and how can we improve them? Caroline’s fascination with this question emerged early on. During her work for the think-tank LEAP2020, she learned a lot about system changes and, more importantly, how we can contribute to them from Europe. She became inspired by systemic thinking and the potential of the future. She has since incorporated this focus into her daily work in the sustainability of the cocoa chain. The challenges include deforestation, child labor, and a living income for farmers. In addition, Caroline is actively involved in gender equality and has established a network of women in cocoa.

Personal motto

Everything is possible

Miranda Willems

Professional background

Miranda Willems is an independent social entrepreneur and project manager in the Lab for Future Generations and the Ministry of the Future. She connects with social movements that focus on future thinking for the generations after us. Her background is in leadership in sustainability and social innovation. In her profession as a Social Innovator, she focuses on the importance, voice, and rights of the generations after us.

Personal motto

Nothing is more beautiful than being good ancestors together.