Awraham Soetendorp

Awraham Soetendorp is former rabbi of the Reform Jewish Community of The Hague, and rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish Communities. He is also active as peace-builder and public voice towards positive change through the Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values. He is currently secretary of the Stichting Prinsjesdagviering: the Foundation for the Budget Day Celebration in the Netherlands.

Professional background:
Awraham Soetendorp has worked as Rabbi in the Liberal Jewish Community in The Hague, the Netherlands, and as Rabbi of the Union of Dutch Reform Jewish Communities. As religious leader he was a participant in the World Economic Forum and various other international conferences around the world. In 2001, he was elected president of European Region of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. He was also appointed as member of the Earth Charter commission in 2000. He is the founder of the Hope Foundation for Children for Universal Education and was a member in the UNESCO committee working towards new chart of global ethics. Awraham Soetendorp has also been a board member and (co)-chair at various organizations and committees.

Peter Akkerman

Peter Akkerman (1993) is one of the writers of the National Environmental Program. He has a background in diplomacy and security issues. After starting his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he transitioned to sustainability. While peace and security are important, a livable Earth is the prerequisite.

Addressing biodiversity loss, the climate crisis, and environmental pollution are the challenges of our time, and Peter is passionately dedicated to tackling them. He enjoys working with young people and is the founder of the Youth Environmental Council, chairman of the foundation “Bos dat van zichzelf is” (Forest that Owns Itself), and the creator of Serendicity, an app for greening cities (currently in development).

Additionally, he is one of the organizers of the Symposium 50 Years of Environmental Policy (2021) and the National Environmental Day 2022 – Limits to Growth. Peter is also a creative individual with thousands of ideas, an enthusiast of meaningful conversations, a history buff, and an animal lover with a deep affection for nature.